Posts Tagged ‘missing’


In prayer for Hilary Sullivan

May 18, 2008

Dearest Sangat,

Sat nam, Ang Sang Wahe Guru.

Hilary Sullivan - MissingI am writing this post to send the word out a little bit further, as a prayer for the safe return of Hilary Sulivan, and also in gratitude for the sangat in which we live.

Hilary Sullivan, the mother of Bachan Kaur and Har Kirat Singh, Clare and Amelia, age 64 has been missing since May 11, 2008. She has short grey hair, blue eyes and glasses, prominent cheek bones and stands 5’8” tall at 185 lbs.

After last night’s vigil, and the combing of the endowment lands last, Bachan said to me in an email that she feels blessed to be part of such a loving and prayerful community. I feel that this heart breaking experience, more than anything has helps us all to see what great and infinite love is created through having our sangat and what power we have in our prayers and meditations.
Here are some words from Bachan:

Thank you so much to everyone for your seva and love.

I pray that all beings in the world may find the strength and love within them to know the beauty of their soul, and the worthiness of their unique purpose here on our planet.

God bless you everyone,

Love and gratitude
Bachan and the Sullivans

You are welcomed to leave your comments here on the blog for Bachan and her family to read. Thank you all again for making our community so strong.

infinite love,
Siri Om